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Campfire Sourdough Recipe

bread castiron recipe sourdough Aug 03, 2023

Sourdough is more than bread; it's a reflection of our shared human heritage. This ancient method of bread making embodies patience, care, and a nurturing spirit. As we cultivate our sourdough starter with love and dedication, we forge a connection with those who came before us, passing down a legacy that nurtures not just our bodies but also our souls.

This recipe is a must for your next camping trip. It requires a little preparation at home but cooks quite quickly on the coals and is so delicious!

You will need:

500g flour
350g water
100g sourdough starter
10g salt

Make sure your sourdough starter is active & bubbly & fed the night before. We love Noosa Sourdough Co

1. Mix all ingredients together roughly, cover and let sit on the bench for one hour.
2. Grab a side of the dough & fold to the centre, stretching the dough at the same time, continue all around the dough until it forms a ball. This takes about 20 folds. Cover & leave for 30 minutes.
3. Perform this “stretch & fold” technique 4-5 times around the dough. Cover & leave for 30 mins. Repeat this step 3 times. This will help the gluten to form.
4. Once the dough is holding a nice ball shape after the last “stretch & fold”, leave on the bench to prove. Depending on the temperature in your home, this can take as little as 4 hrs or if you started mixing later in the day & it’s cold, you can leave it out overnight. You will notice big bubbles forming on the surface, this means your bread is ready to shape.
5. Tip out the dough onto a floured surface & shape into a round ball, tucking the bottom under with each turn, kind of use your left hand to tuck, as you turn anticlockwise with your right hand.
6. Now it’s time to tension the dough. Do this by dragging across the bench, turn slightly & drag again. This will make the top of the dough tight. Pinch any bubbles that may have formed.
7. Pop a tea towel dusted with rice flour inside a med size bowl. Carefully place your shaped dough, top side down, into the bowl & cover. The rice flour is gluten-free & stops the dough from sticking.
8. Put it in the fridge overnight. You can leave the dough like this for up to 3 days.
9. When ready to bake, prepare a fire with hot coals & place a preheated camp oven or cast iron pot in it.
10. Score the top of the bread and transfer it to the pot. Cover & bake near the coals for 30-40 minutes.
11. Check for a golden-brown crust, then continue baking uncovered until fully baked.
12. Cool the bread on a wire rack before slicing.

Note: Cooking times may vary. Keep an eye on the bread to prevent burning.

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